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Kickstarter Backers
Sidetracks would have remained a dream without the backing and support of a lot of people. We would like to thank the following volunteers, contributors and supporters of our 2023 Kickstarter campaign, which allowed us to turn this dream into reality.
Ascension Lutheran Church (McCandless)
Bambi Collector
Renee & John Coyne
Jocelyn Dombeck
Mark & Danielle Edwards: Laine Photography
Joyce & Dan Fenechi
Jim Ferrante
David Gaibis
Scott & Caroline Golmic
Stephanie Hackett
Scott & Amanda Hatkevich
Darren & Lori Heaberlin: Heaberlin Photography
Julie Heyel
Colene & Steven Hoffer: Coco Hoffer Photography
Kathy Hooker
James Irwin III
Kristen Kailer
Brynn Kelly
Norm Laszlo
Joseph Maier
Dan & Renee Miller
Steve Miller
Pat Nelson
Jason & Sharon Oberdick
Eric Oliver
Rich Oliver
Chester Rape
Jerry & Sandi Rectenwald
Danny Roman
Cindy Rosaci
Marleea Sabol-Hall
Adam Sellers
Doug & Jen Slade
Barbara & Dennis Smith
Doug Smith (a.k.a. "Grandpa")
Grady Smith
Kyle Smith
Susan Smith (a.k.a. "Grammy")
Aaron Stabryla
Michelle Steffler
Tom & Jen Straw
Tim & Lindsey Sukits
Anna Thompson
Joe, Lauren & Evan Tweddell
Ryan Van Dusen
Duane Warnecke
Dan & April Weiner
Taylor Witczak
John & Ruth Yeager
Chuck Yorks
And of course......JOANNE, Kyle, Levi, Grady, Quinn, Isaac & Virginia!
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