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Fridays Noon-2:00PM
June 14 - August 9, 2024

This club provides chess players of all ability levels an opportunity to connect with other chess aficionados to learn the game, test their skills and enjoy playing this classic.
Tuesdays 2:45-5:00PM
(During the School Year -
Current session runs thru 5/21)

This club introduces kids to entry-level hobby board games, as well as cooperative games and party games. Co-ops are unique in that players work together as a team to compete against the game rather than playing competitively against each other. (Examples: Ticket to Ride, Camel Up, For Sale, Castle Panic, Forbidden Island, Point Salad)
Wednesdays 2:45-5:00PM
(During the School Year -
Current session runs thru 5/21)
This club is designed for kids looking for a little more challenge who are interested in stepping up to light and medium weight strategy games. Sidetracks has a wide range of games featuring mechanics like area control, worker placement, card drafting, negotiation and variable player powers. (Examples: Hearts, Citadels, 7 Wonders, Wingspan, Lords of Waterdeep, Puerto Rico)

(21 and Over)
Thursdays 6:00-9:00PM
Spring 2024: March 15 - May 30
Summer 2024: May 31 - August 31

Game & Sip Nights
This club is only open to adults 21 and over. It features all types of board and card games from light party games to heavy strategy games depending on your mood for the night. Bring your favorite beverage (BYOB) and relax with friends while hanging out and playing games.
Adults who are not ready to commit to club membership, can BYOB and play games for a small cover charge on Game & Sip Nights and during Open Gaming times.
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